Monday, December 8, 2008



Protocols are the formatting rules that specify how data is changed into messages. Transmission control protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) manage the flow of information in the Internet together. Transmission control protocols manage the assembly and reassembly of information and data from one computer to another. Internet protocol manages the transfer of data between computers. There are different types of protocol including:
  • HyperText Transfer protocol- controlling the requesting and transferring of HTML web pages across the Internet
  • File transfer protocol - controls the sending of information and files from one computer to another.
  • Post office protocol 3- controls the transfer of emails between computer systems
  • Secure sockets layers- a cryptographic system for sending data like credit card details over the Internet.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


De Facto Standards

A de facto standard is when no formal agreement is in place. This means that a verbal agreement between manufacturers is being followed. De facto standards tend to be widely used however they are not recognised by a standards agency.
De facto standards tend to be used in the hardware, software industry as well as protocol and formats. Manufactures and producers tend to follow a common layout and standard however the standards agencies are not aware of it.

GIF format for pictures is an example of de facto standards, the standards agencies have not enforced that format however it is widely used by web developers.

De Jure Standards

De jure standards are legally binding standards which are approved by a standards agency and must be followed by every manufacturer. These standards places restrictions on manufactures which some people feel slows development however it minimises any compatibility issues people have.

Wi-Fi, the wireless network is part of a de jure standard. The standards agency has made it so that all of the wireless networks have to be the same.

The Internet and The World Wide Web

The Internet

The Internet is a large group of interconnected computers which span across the world. It allows information to be sent and receive from one computer to another. The Internet was originally developed by Advanced Research Projects Agency so that universities could access research carried out by other universities.

The World Wide Web

This is a collection of multimedia resources which can be found on the internet. Web browser software is used to access these files through the use of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Webpages are usually written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and the different pages are linked together using hyperlinks.